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Logger, with code and instructions. Cloud Custodian Architecture, Deployment and Policy Preprocessing. Console login URLs with limited permissions allow immediate investigation from notifications.
Please note that GitHub no longer supports your web browser. We recommend upgrading to the latest Google Chrome. GitHub is a development platform inspired by the way you work. You can host and review code, manage projects, and build software alongside millions of other developers. Use at least one letter, one numeral, and seven characters.
My current resume is available in the following formats. A command-line tool and Python package to check AWS usage against service limits. A python tool for testing DNS changes in a staging environment, and confirming them in production. The tools I use to build my desktop and laptop OS installs.
I study evolutionary and behavioural ecology, and have a particular interest in the evolution of visual communication. I mostly work with invertebrates, both in recognition of the enormous chunk of biological diversity they represent, and for the intriguing opportunities afforded by non-model organisms. Lab at Macquarie University, and have close ties to the Umbers lab. Feel free to get in touch via email.
We make things you will love. We love developing high-quality applications fit for the modern web using proven, scalable stacks, or making short, fun projects using the latest and greatest technology. We know that our needs are also your needs, and that our experience can help you tackle problems your business might be facing.
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